
Dwizzy : ERP Solutions For All Business Type

Tell us about your business & what were the challenges that you faced so far?

Dwizzy is a SAAS based company-providing solution like, POS, CRM, Social Media Scheduling, Project Management Software Making Businessman Understand the need automation and Digitization of there is billing and maintaining customer data for marketing and future reference. Is still a challenge in India.

Tell us about your achievement you are most proud of?

Made a Turnover of 5 Million Rupees in 6 Months from almost nothing.

What is your USP and where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

5 years is quite a good time, but still I see it has a me and my company struggling with some new Features & trying to fulfill all the requirement of retailers. 

How difficult is it to stay in this industry nowadays?

Until you inovating and developing new features or may be fulfilling future requirements you are In. this a fast switching industry.

How much do you think that social media helps you to work more effectively in knowing your audience or knowing what’s new in the market?

For all Industries type now social media is Playing a vital role for entrepreneurs to understand market in better Manner, specially the hidden Facebook groups for each segment are there.

What would be your suggestion to the budding entrepreneurs?

If I talk about SAAS based entrepreneurs, Innovative product and Sell Free Trials, when I say sell free trials  that means you need market and focus on free trials like you are selling them for money.

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